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Model Steppers - 50MM set

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£4.50 - £7.50
£4.50 - £7.50


Ever wanted to be more precise with your movement? Then make use of our measuring steppers!

This is a  set for games such as malifaux, for yourmodel base sizes of 50MM.

You can even change the distance text to a custom logo or text of your choice, just get in touch!

Included in this set:

- 6 x 1" 50MM steppers

- 1 x 2" 50MM stepper

- 1 x 3" 50MM stepper

- 1 x 2" 50MM model placement stepper


Please be aware that the 50MM placement stepper is FRAGILE due to it being thin in the middle. This will need to be handled carefully, replacements are not offered for this item, should it break.