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Neverborn Starter Box

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You save £8.20
You save £8.20


Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!

Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability. Here are a few of the newest improvements.

  • Hiring
    • Models are now hired based on their Keyword, which encourages more thematic Crews while allowing for abilities that more closely tie models together. Ever wanted to run two (or more) Masters together on the tabletop? Now you can!
  • Conditions & Tokens
    • The number of Conditions in M2E has been reduced down to 11 single Conditions. As well, several Masters and Crews that once relied on conditions to function now use Tokens that serve as counters for their various abilities, whether they be deadly plagues or a crippling addiction to the raw essence of the Hungering Darkness.
  • New Masters
    • Nekima has reclaimed her birthright! Standing alongside her is Euripides, a prophetic giant who has followed the omens from his frozen mountain home into the lowlands. The Guild has responded by promoting the brutal Captain Dashel, elevating him to the position of Master... and providing him further assistance in the form of Cornelius Basse. These heroes must also contend with the recruiting efforts of the ghoulish University of Transmortis and its macabre headmaster, Professor Albus Von Schtook, and the subtle machinations of Youko Hamasaki, the cunning proprietor of the Qi and Gong, a mysterious brothel nestled at the heart of the Little Kingdom.

The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.

The Neverborn Starter Box is the perfect jumping-off point for a player ready to make the leap into Malifaux Third Edition. Containing everything needed to get started as soon as possible, this box contains four pre-assembled models, a Fate Deck, General Upgrades, Markers, and a Measuring Widget.


  • 1x Klaus Norwood
  • 1x Hildegard
  • 2x Redcaps, 1x Fate Deck
  • 10x Scheme Markers,
  • General Upgrades
  • Measuring widget